Streamline high school with all-in-one lesson plans for courses written from a Christian worldview!
This one-year high school-level curriculum provides lesson plans for eight high school subjects: Bible, World History (Christendom/ Medieval), English, Lab Science (Physics), Math (Algebra 2), Visual/Performing Arts (Art), P.E. (1 semester), and Career Readiness (1 semester). You may choose to complete all of the subjects or complete only the subjects needed for your student to fulfill his/her high school credits. To accommodate for learning style differences, we offer two curriculum options for Physics. This guide includes lesson plans for each option. Please note that if you do not use Dave Raymond’s Christendom, these lesson plans will not provide the composition you need for English credit because the composition assignments within our Truth Trek 3 Guide are assigned from Dave Raymond's Christendom.
Each week consists of four days of instructions for students and wraps up with a “Co-op or Parent Meeting Day” that walks parents or co-op teachers through a discussion of the current week’s topics and confirms that the student understands the material. To download a sample, click here.
For families with children in Grades 1-8, first semester of the Mission Faith Forgers program teaches corresponding history themes at the elementary and middle school levels. This provides a unified approach to teaching and learning in the home as all students in Grades 1-12 study similar content areas. To provide students in Grades 1-8 with a corresponding science, we recommend Machines and Motion, Heat and Energy, and/or Inventions & Technology from God’s Design for the Physical World.
Format: PDF Download (Mac & PC Compatible), 248 pages. For individual family use only. A link to download the PDF Document will be automatically sent to the Paypal email address used at checkout.
PDF Price: $39.95 Half price until April 30, 2025: $19.95
Suggested grades: 9th-12th grade (high schoolers who need to take a course in any of the following: World History & High School English (Early British Literature Focus), Visual/Performing Arts, Physics, and/or Career Readiness.
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